Contemporary dance performance “Spin spin” Dancing in a circle is often seen in various dance genres and styles, but folk dances especially stand out by the abundance of circles. Circles are used in folk dances all over the world. A circle is a transcendental symbol of spirituality and divinity. Folk dances also claim to be […]
MoreDance performance-historical excursion “Stone-flowing time” is a choreographic-historical composition about the journey of man, during which he passes through water, fire, stone and glory. Symbolic mythical time is intertwined with the destinies of living people. The performance presents two identities of the Klaipėda Sculpture Park – the destroyed old city cemetery and the sculpture art […]
MoreINSANE is a choreographic piece inspired by the spirits, monsters or specters that are summoned during ritual feasts, shamanic dances or traditional celebrations of the change of seasons through which women and men try to influence the mysterious forces of nature, to replay the primitive feelings of awe and superstitious terror. Chasing away evil spirits, […]
More“Indigo. Das Schliemann Projekt” is about an (un)achievable dream, passionate and fierce pursuit of a goal, truth and lies, simulation and reality and endless search for the true self, a kind of archeology of self. The performance is inspired by the colorful and contrasting biography, personality and story of 19th century businessman, polyglot, discoverer of […]
MoreSound of Five is a sensory bombardment – a journey that dives into the sounds of movements, and the movements in the sounds. It is a performance that can be seen, heard and felt. Countless layers of rhythms, musically as physically, create the foundation of an intense listening, when eight dancers and one composer sets […]
MoreFlocking refers to a movement of gathering together, in humanity and in nature, a flock of birds fly through the sky, people flock together… It is also a type of compositional form in which mirrors or shadows movement in groups. Regardless of place, era, nation, in gatherings, we are all united by a collective physical […]
MoreSociety as a pack of sticks. We are all closely interconnected, constantly shifting rules of the social game. The pandemic and social media are changing our ways of behaving, communicating and making us less capable of critical thinking. Our relationships become intangible, unfulfilling and fragmented. Something inside us starts to crave for points or resilience […]
MoreIn the piece two contrasting worlds – DanseSport and contemporary dance – meet. Awkward, humorous, and even absurd situations are born as these genres encounter. DanceSport cannot be imagined without strictly male-female couples and synchronized team movement while contemporary dance allows more freedom for individual expression and gender roles. Like mirrors to each other they […]
MoreDance performance-guided walk created in memory of the Lithuanian writer Ieva Simonaitytė.
MoreThree pretty sisters live a pretty life in a pretty house. Arvyda, the oldest, is interested in all theories of conspiracy, Regina is a passionate golfer, and their youngest sister, Elizabeth, is devoted to astrology. She has examined her and her sisters’ horoscopes and knows what awaits them in the future. She also knows who […]
MoreThis installation is a tribute to the history of Neringa, the present and the worrying future. Located in the Nida lighthouse, “Islands” invites you to immerse yourself in the space of minimalistic music, movement, lights and colorful costumes. Entering the space involves a feeling of gradual blow of sand – as if you were inside […]
More“Eye of the Storm” explores the universal laws of chaos and order. In this work choreographer Rachid Ouramdane uses the movement of organized and anarchic groups. Ouramdane is inspired by parades, riots, demonstrations and flocks of flying birds. This is how the ever-changing paintings of order and chaos appear on stage. These images, and especially […]
MoreJei šokti apie architektūrą atrodo sunkiai įgyvendinama idėja, „Šokis plius miestas“ projekto komanda įrodė kitaip!
MoreRitmas, pulsacija, šviesos kokonai, gamtos ir kūno architektūra – taip unikalų Lietuvos kraštą, Kuršių neriją, ir jos gyvybės trapumą filme atskleidžia prancūzų choreografė Mathilde Monfreux, video menininkė Trécy Afonso ir Šeiko šokio teatro šokėjai.
MoreThis new work by Maciej Kuźmiński in his third collaboration with the director Paul Bargetto offers an existential meditation on the near and distant future, dream logic, and infinity. Balancing between the performing and visual arts, the piece conjures a house of mirrors constructed of an inner, infinite self, where crossing the boundaries of mortality […]
MoreIlgametis Pinos Bausch trupės šokėjas Daphnis Kokkinos (Vokietija) kartu su Šeiko šokio teatru pristato dedikaciją didžiajai šokio Mokytojai.
MoreThe present tense becomes a thing of the past at every second, but the time of human life, philosophically speaking, remains the present, living through us until the very end.
MoreAn immersive experience, “Who the f ** k is Alice” is a combination of theatrical performance, physical movement, and spoken word performance.
MoreŠis spektaklis – tai choreografinis tyrimas, paremtas moksliniais ieškojimais apie biologines sistemas. Įsivaizduokime smėlio dulkes, chaotiškai besisukančias vėjyje…
MoreThe performance is an unusual interpretation of Boléro, a piece by the famous French composer Maurice Ravel.
MoreThis performance and historical excursion around the Nida Parnidis dune and its surroundings tells the story about the changing nature of the unique coastal region and the fate of its inhabitants and visitors.
MoreEach of our lives is a blink that turns into a vibrating and glowing flicker as all lives merge and dissolve in the middle of the night.
MoreSpecially designed for babies, this dance performance immerses the participants in the mysterious world of light and movement.
MoreThis dance performance is a personal declaration of independence in the context of historical events.
MoreInspired by the enchanting book “The Lost and Unknown Princesses” by the French duo Philipp Lechermeier and Rébeccos Dautremer, the dance looks for ways to help each child discover and love themselves, and to cherish and build meaningful and respectful relationships with other children.
MoreThe minimal and aesthetically pleasing dance performance White Lullaby surrounds an audience with Lithuanian fairy tale mythology, but echoes current everyday issues
MoreThis is a performance-trip created for the opening of “Neringa – Lithuanian Capital of Culture 2021”.
MoreWhen nobody’s watching, I become invisible. When you catch yourself comparing your self-image to others’ you may consider it really cool, or in contrast – rather lame. But when reality kicks you out of your comfort zone and there’s an urge to speak your mind, you may start feeling the need for some kind of […]
More„Transience“ (iš angl. k. laikinumas) – choreografo Maciejaus Kuźmińskio, dramaturgo Paulo Bargetto ir Šeiko šokio teatro tęstinis performansas netikėtose miesto erdvėse, sukurtas pagal šokio spektaklį „i“ (aš).
MoreAnt Urbo kalno stovinčiame 29 metrų aukščio švyturyje, pristatyta interaktyvios aplinkos, medijų, šokio ir muzikos instaliacijos premjerą „In – contact“, tyrinėjanti iliuzinį žmogaus visagalybės prieš gamtą santykį.
MoreThis solo dance performance inspired by personal experience opens up a sensitive societal issue: bullying and its effects.
MoreThis dance performance transports the spectator to the places of old Klaipėda where Queen Louise of Prussia and her royal family used to walk 200 years ago, after leaving Berlin to escape Napoleon’s army.
MoreA visual and musical story about letting go of childhood and the ability to accept someone next to us and someone else living inside of us. Recommended for an audience of 12 years of age and older.
MoreRegardless of race, religion, sex, nationality or lifestyle, most humans seek acceptance by others and society. The dance performance Aside addresses this human need for acceptance, self-expression, and relationship between people.
MoreChildhood sometimes happens at the end of life. If you don’t believe this, ask King December. By the way, you can ask him anything. You can lie in the balcony, look at the stars and talk about immortality. You can name clouds, study King’s dream boxes, or you can go out and see something you have never seen before.
MoreThe changing identity of a post-soviet woman who experiences transformation caused by Western influence is the focus of this performance.
MoreThis Dance and Sound Performance Tour raises questions about who we are when we forget and who we become when we remember through experiencing a multi-media performance that visits the sites of seven historical Klaipėda churches.
MoreThe multi-media Dance Opera Wasted Land features music, operatic singing, contemporary dance and video projections.
MoreAn interactive dance performance for kids, I Will Hug You tells the story of a family: mom, dad, older brother, and young sister.
MoreRather physical performance, emphasis is placed on sensuality, with underlying notes of self-irony here and there, a rather rare occurrence in Lithuanian contemporary dance.