Company dancer
Dovilė Binkauskaitė is a dancer, teacher and choreographer at Šeiko Dance Company. After graduation of Bachelor's degree in Choreography from Klaipeda University, Dovilė continued her studies at Masters of Education. Later she studied body-movement therapy for several years. For 20 years Dovilė gained experience as a dancer, dance and ethics teacher, choreographer, contemporary dance technique teacher, body-movement therapy practitioner, as well as working with people with disabilities.
Company dancer
Gintarė Marija Ūsė finished Choreography studies in a specialized art school - Siauliai Conservatory (Saulius Sondeckis art school) at 2010. She got a Bachelor‘s Degree in Dance Pedagogy and Choreography at VIKO - University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius (Lithuania) in 2013, and from then on worked for Aura Dance Theatre until 2017. That same year she joined the Lithuanian contemporary dance association as well as Šeiko Dance Company. In 2018 she was awarded with the Lithuanian highest culture evaluation - Golden stage cross, for best dancer of 2017, together with Niels Claes. She danced choreographies by Samuel Mathieu, Pia Holden, Anne Ekenes, Paul Hess, Alban Richard, Palle Granhoj and others. She had toured and performed in different countries such as Norway, Italy, USA, China and others.
Company dancer
In 2012, Inga Kuznecova obtained a master's degree in choreography from the Faculty of Arts of Klaipėda University. She also studied at Danshogskolan Dance College in Stockholm for one year. Since 2012 she works at the Department of Choreography of KUMF at The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, teaches contemporary dance technique, composition and improvisation. She has over 10 years of experience as a dance teacher in non-formal children's education and has obtained a degree in teaching methodology. She has been dancing at the Šeiko Dance Company (formerly PADI DAPI Fish) since 2013. Inga has been participating in various projects with such choreographers as A. Šeiko, D. Acin Thelander Murphy, M. Ladzanski, A. Richard, H. Avdalo and Y. Shinozaki, P. Lisauska. She has performed at various foreign festivals and theaters in China, the USA, Sweden, Norway, Malta, France, Great Britain and Germany. Choreographic pieces: “Mikas and Breakfast” (included in the program of the New Baltic Dance Festival 2010), “And everything went as well as possible” (created together with the choreographer P. Lisauskas and also included in the program of the New Baltic Dance Festival 2012), performance "Happy birthday" created with R. Drukteinyte in 2015, "Forgotten Princesses" created in 2017 and nominated for a Golden Stage Cross. Inga teaches improvisation, contemporary dance techniques, composition seminars for teachers, children, theater-lovers and amateurs.
Company dancer
As a child, Mantas attended a dance club "Vilnis", in 2006 graduated from Kėdainiai "Šviesioji” gymnasium and entered the Department of Choreography of the Faculty of Arts of Klaipėda University; in 2008 studied under the Erasmus exchange program at the University College of Dance in Stockholm, Sweden. 2011 he obtained a bachelor's degree in theater, majoring in choreography and in 2015 graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater with a master's degree in Acting (Contemporary Dance). He has been working as a professional dancer since 2009 and during that period he worked with such choreographers as Agnija Šeiko, Martynas Rimeikis, Vytis Jankauskas, Aira Naginavičiūtė, Palle Granhoj (Denmark), Kiril Simonov (Russia), Dalija Acin Thelander (Sweden), Lorca Massine (Italy), Alban Richard (France) ) etc. As a performer, he represented Lithuania at various festivals abroad in Norway, China, the Czech Republic, France, Estonia, Sweden, Italy, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and others.
Company dancer
Niels Claes is a graduate from the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
He worked for Project Sally (NL), Dansgroep Amsterdam (NL), Polish dance theatre (PL), Aura dance theatre (LT) and La_trottier dance collective (DE). Currently he is a dancer for Šeiko dance company in Klaipėda, Lithuania. He has had the opportunity to work with renowned choreographers like Andonis Foniadakis, Jo stromgren and Palle Granhoj. With Šeiko dance company he got awarded the Lithuanian golden stage cross as best dancers in 2017 together with Gintarė Ščavinskaitė. He was a teacher for Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2017-2018 and he is invited to teach at Čiurlionis arts school since 2017. He made the choreographies “Maathai” (Polish dance theatre), “Thirst” (Aura dance theatre), “Aside”, “Marked” (Šeiko dance company) and “They like” (Čiurlionis art school).
In 2017 and 2020 he was awarded with the highest Lithuanian theatre award „Golden Stage Cross“ as dancer of the year and in 2020 acknowledged by the Contemporary Dance Association in Lithuania as the most memorable dancer of the year.
Company dancer
Oksana Griaznova is a dancer, teacher and beginning choreographer. She graduated from North-Karelia College Outokumpu, Finland, as a dancer. To further deepen acquired knowledge and refine her ability to communicate movement, she joined MA CoDE at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. Oksana worked as a dancer in Aura dance theatre, and currently is a part of Šeiko dance theatre. She was a teacher in Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy and National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Art. Oksana's current practice focuses on highlighting interpretation, variation, (re)construction and transference as being immanent in any action and as being crucial when finding connection with one another. Moving out of 'the comfort zone', and directing physically demanding movement qualities and patterns into a sense of comfortable embodiment, is a strong interest in her artistic work.
Trupės šokėja
In 2021, Viktorija Zobielaitė graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, where she acquired the specialty of contemporary dance. Since then, she has started a career as a dancer at Šeiko Dance Company. Viktorija has worked with various foreign and Lithuanian choreographers: Agnija Šeiko (LT), Rachid Ouramdane (FR), Claude Brumachon - Benjamin Lamarche (FR), Samuel Mathieu (FR), Alexandra Pirici (RO), Eglė Būdvytytė (LT / NL), Aira Naginevičiūtė - Adomaitienė (LT), Vytis Jankauskas (LT), Giedrė Jankauskienė (LT), Judita Vassos (LT), Willi Dorner (AT), Libertad Pozo (ES).
Project dancer
Aušra Krasauskaitė is a dancer, choreographer, actively collaborating with Šeiko Dance Company.
Project dancer
Darius Berulis graduated from the Klaipeda university Faculty of Arts dance department in 2012 and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Theater with a professional qualification in choreography. In 2014, he obtained a Master’s degree in dance field from same university. Since 2010, he has been actively involved in the activities of the artist groups "Fish Eye", and since 2013 in the activities of the dance theater "PADI DAPI Fish". Since 2014, he has been a lecturer at the Department of Choreography at Klaipeda university and a ballet dancer at the Klaipeda State Musical Theater. During his career as a dancer he has worked with famous choreographers and tutors from all over the world: Agnija Seiko (LT), Ausra Krasauskaite (LT), Petras Lisauskas (LT), Mantas Cerneckas (LT), Donatas Bakejus (LT), Aurelijus Liskauskas (LT) , Inga Kuznecova (LT), Gytis Ivanauskas (LT), Martynas Rimeikis (LT), Kiril Simonov (RU), Palle Granhoj (DEN), Alban Richard (FR), Heine Avdal (NO), Yukiko Shinozakiat (JP). The performer and choreographer has appeared on the stages of many countries around the world: the USA, China, South Korea, Greenland, Iceland, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia.
Project dancer
Marija Ivaškevičiūtė graduated from M. K. Čiurlionis National School of Arts in 2018, majoring in modern / contemporary dance. Since then, she has started a career as a dancer at the Šeiko Dance Company. Marija has worked with various foreign and Lithuanian choreographers: Agnija Šeiko, Vilma Pitrinaitė, Dalija Acin Thelander Murphy, Ugne Dievaite, Palle Granhoj and others. She has also danced at various festivals abroad in Germany, Norway, Spain and Malta.
In 2020 she was awarded with the highest Lithuanian theatre award „Golden Stage Cross“ as dancer of the year.
Project dancer
Marius Pinigis is a contemporary dancer, choreographer and teacher, developing his artistic practice not only in Lithuania but also abroad. For seven years Marius was a dancer with Kaunas Dance Theatre “Aura”, where he created more than 20 roles in different dance performances. Recently, he has become better known as a freelance dancer and choreographer, who constantly develops and presents new works to the public. Marius is an active artist, expanding the boundaries of contemporary dance in his hometown of Kaunas and participating in the development of cultural field in Lithuania. Marius has been actively teaching and sharing dance knowledge, participating in dance/movement workshops and intensive courses in Europe. He is a member of the Contemporary Dance Association in Lithuania. Founder, choreographer, dancer in dance company NUEPIKO.